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Easy Food Dehydrating Depot, Issue #017 - Happy Father's Day!
June 15, 2012

Here are the latest and greatest happenings at our site, brought to you in this Monthly Newsletter -- Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!
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We hope you'll enjoy our Timely Tips!

Happy Father's Day to Dads Everywhere!

Welcome - to issue 17 of
Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

It seems to me that our moms seem to get much more attention on 'their day' that do our dads, so this year let's try a little harder to make June 17 a special day for dad!

My Latest Website Venture!

Last month I talked about Andrew Perlot, a Raw Foodist. Well, here I am, 30 days later and EIGHT, yes EIGHT pounds lighter!

My energy level has been through the roof - which is just as well with having to slave over a hot computer, day in, day out! Just kidding.
So what's the site called?
Here it is: Go Raw Lose Weight
and I'd very much appreciate it if you'd all hop on over and give me a FaceBook LIKE for all my hard work and dedication. Who knows, you may even hop on the bandwagon too! I hope so.

Soggy Broccoli After Conditioning

Amy had a question: "I dehydrated fresh broccoli, all the pieces were brittle with a hint of moisture. I checked them the next day and they were all soft. I stored them in a Ziploc and placed them in a drawer inside my pantry. The Ziploc bag is temporary, until my Mylar bags come in. Would you please let me know what you think the problem could be? Thank you, Amy.
PS - Can you use Mason Jars with oxypacks instead of a vacuum sealer?"
Find the answers right here: FAQ, page 4.

Peak Ripeness

Richard asks: "When Dehydrating Fruits is it best to have them slightly under ripe, fully ripe, or slightly over ripe to get the best nutritional value?" Find the answer right here, also on: FAQ, page 4.

Uneven Zucchini Blanching And Steaming

Debbie says: "Your blog is fantastic! My question is about dehydrating zucchini. I washed it, sliced it with my Magic Bullet (fast!) then dropped it into boiling water to blanch it, then put it in a colander and then in ice water, then laid out on paper towels to blot up excess water; THEN into Excalibur 9-tray 125-degrees for 10 hrs. Then into quart mason jar, vac sealed the lid (neat!) with my Foodsaver. BUT this is SO much work for only a quart of dried zucchini chips which we eat up almost immediately!! Which steps can I leave out or streamline so this is faster? Could I steam instead of blanch (saw that on your blog) if so, how long? Could I up the temp on the dehydrator and lower the time (without losing nutrients)? Sorry this is so long. Need help! Your site is the best I have found so far - thanks, Debbie"
Check out: FAQ, page 4 for the answer to Debbie's Zucchini steaming!

Send In Your Recipe Creations!

We welcome your recipe creations -- all we ask is that at least one ingredient in your recipe is from dehydrated food. You'll be creating your very own page on this site, and be proud to share it with your friends!
Click on this: Share a Favorite Recipe. This takes you to our Easy Recipe Page where you can fill out a simple form to share your creation with us -- please send us pictures too! :-) The recipes with photos will be listed in the main body of the recipe listings page!

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While you're at it, please feel free to click the Google +1 button so your vote can be counted!
Thanks! Help us get the word out about dehydrating food now, at today's prices.

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We'd love to hear from you! Click here and then fill out the Contact-Us form on the page and share your thoughts!
We really do look forward to hearing from you!

Get your FREE eBook!

If you're a mom or a dad that stays home and would like to supplement your income, then here's a great opportunity to do just that! Visit: this page and click on the book on the right-hand column and download for FREE. Pass it on to your friends too!

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