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Easy Food Dehydrating Depot, Issue #027 - "April Flowers and Taxes"
April 15, 2013

Here are the latest and greatest happenings at our site, brought to you in this Monthly Newsletter -- Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!
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We hope you'll enjoy our Questions and Answers too!

Welcome - to issue 27 of
Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

April Flowers and Taxes...

It's April, and most of us are groaning at the amount of taxes we're paying extra this year. Let's hope the situation improves NEXT year! But on a brighter note, Spring is in the air, and plants are poking up in the garden of my Facebook friend, Lynn Szwalkiewicz, who lives in Wisconsin.

Lynn is always posting pictures of her latest canning escapades, and super photos of her plant sproutings and what she's up to online in general. Right now, she's going to be pickling asparagus and canning some later on too! Lynn's not afraid to get her hands dirty, and has Grape Hyacinth and Saffron Crocus planted too. And under "grow lights" are California Wonder Peppers beginning to sprout in the seedling pots.

Lynn not only loves plants, but she's been making sugar scrubs too, for the paast decade! She says her recipe is a great alternative to xpensive store-bought exfoliants and she says it's great for your face, hands, or as a foot scrub. She says her basic recipe is this:

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup EVOO
1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil (optional)
10 drops of your favorite Essential Oil (optional)

Lynn adds: "I'm just starting to sell products at my website called Viggies Veggies Farmstand and I have a Facebook page called Viggies Veggies Farmstand too. Lynn intends to add lip balm, salves, and lotions, along with homegrown herbs and tea -- and "Egyptian Walking Onion Bulbs" to her product line. We can't wait!

I think a "round of applause" is in order for Lynn and everyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit! Well done, Lynn!

Your Monthly FAQs Answered

A FAQ Page 12 Question Was:

1) "Can you use canned green beans in a dehydrator?"

Find the answer right here, on: FAQ, page 12.

FAQ Page 13 Questions Were:

1) "Can you dehydrate fruit and veggies together?"
2) "What is the alternative to lemon juice while preparing certain foods?"
3) "Is it OK to dehydrate raw meat?"

Find the answers right here, on: FAQ, page 13.

THANK YOU for sending in your questions!
Keep it up!

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Send In Your Recipe Creations!

We welcome your recipe creations -- all we ask is that at least one ingredient in your recipe is from dehydrated food. You'll be creating your very own page on this site, and be proud to share it with your friends!

Click on this: Share a Favorite Recipe. This takes you to our Easy Recipe Page where you can fill out a simple form to share your creation with us -- please send us pictures too! :-) The recipes with photos will be listed in the main body of the recipe listings page!

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