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Easy Food Dehydrating Depot, Issue #026 - "March Madness"
March 15, 2013

Here are the latest and greatest happenings at our site, brought to you in this Monthly Newsletter -- Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!
We email this to you monthly, so you don't get bogged down with too many emails in your in-box! However, please let us know if you'd love to see this on a more frequent basis, we'd be happy to oblige!

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If it was a friend that did forward this to you and you like what you have read, then please subscribe by visiting Easy Food and subscribe using the handy opt-in e-zine form at the top of the page on the right.

We hope you'll enjoy our Questions and Answers too!

Welcome - to issue 26 of
Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

March Madness!

Well we're half-way through March already - doesn't time just simply fly by? At the end of this month, we'll be celebrating Easter - and the kids will be gobbling down Easter Eggs by the mouthful (adults included!)

Our news this month is FREE SHIPPING on brand new Vitamix Blenders! Simply go to and upon checking out, add this code: 06-008285 to your order, and in the USA you'll get free shipping worth $25 -- and in Canada that free shipping is worth $35 to you!

Our sister site, is all about getting healthier, and showcases a 3 month diet that can be easily followed and produces awesome weight loss! Whether you remain ON the raw food diet is totally up to you.

Don't the "raw" put you off, it simply means eating fresh fruits and veggies in their natural state, and that's where the Vitamix blender comes in! Enjoy super smoothies for breakfast, and salads for dinner - and fresh fruit for the remainder of your snacks. It worked wonders for me!

So, in closing, after eating all those Easter Eggs that were supposed to be for the kids, and finding yourself five pounds heavier... maybe you'll take a look at the "Amazing UnProcessed Raw Food Diet", available at and is featured below our Easy Food Dehydrating eBook (keep scrolling!)

Your Monthly FAQs Answered

FAQ Page 12 Questions Were:

1) "Can I deep freeze my dehydrated food packages?"
2) "How do I dry herbs?"
3) "Can I use parchment paper for herbs?"
4) "Do I let my frozen peas thaw first?"
5) "Help, my corn is sour!"
6) "How do I do leeks?"

Find the answers right here, on: FAQ, page 12.

THANK YOU for sending in your questions!
Keep it up!

It's NOT too late...
Gift our eBook to Help Someone
Who's Struggling this year

"Easy Food Dehydrating and Safe Food Storage" Kindle eBook - only $4.95! right here!

Here's the link for our paperback version too: (only $12.95) CLICK HERE - go check it out!

It would make my day if you would leave a review over at Amazon after you've read it... thank you!

* * * * * * * *

Lose Weight the Easy Way!
3 Short Months makes
a Huge Difference...

Get your copy of our eBook here, only $4.95!

Here's the link CLICK HERE - go check it out!

It's also available in paperback too, for only $11.95. It would make a great gift! CLICK HERE to check out the book!

Send In Your Recipe Creations!

We welcome your recipe creations -- all we ask is that at least one ingredient in your recipe is from dehydrated food. You'll be creating your very own page on this site, and be proud to share it with your friends!

Click on this: Share a Favorite Recipe. This takes you to our Easy Recipe Page where you can fill out a simple form to share your creation with us -- please send us pictures too! :-) The recipes with photos will be listed in the main body of the recipe listings page!

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While you're at it, please feel free to click the Google +1 button so your vote can be counted!
Thanks! Help us get the word out about dehydrating food now, at today's prices.

Tell Us What You'd Like to See

We'd love to hear from you! Click here and then fill out the Contact-Us form on the page and share your thoughts!

We really do look forward to hearing from you!

Get your FREE Work From HomeBook!

If you're a mom or a dad that stays home and would like to supplement your income, then here's a great opportunity to do just that! Visit: this page and click on the book on the right-hand column and download for FREE. Pass it on to your friends too!

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