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Easy Food Dehydrating Depot, Issue #013 - Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!
February 15, 2012

Here are the latest and greatest happenings at our site, brought to you in this Monthly Newsletter -- Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

We email this to you monthly, so you don't get bogged down with too many emails in your in-box! However, please let us know if you'd love to see this on a more frequent basis, we'd be happy to oblige!

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We hope you'll enjoy our Timely Tips!

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!

Welcome - to issue 13 of
Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, so I hope all you lovers out there still have plenty of chocolate and assorted candies left over to share with other loved ones!

And now for me, it's back on the diet ...

Maybe we can use those heart-shaped boxes for something?

And next month we'll probably end up throwing them out due to lack of creative re-use ideas!

How to Store Dehydrated Food

How to store dehydrated food is a common question, and an important one at that. What's the point of spending time and money if the food won't last?

So, check out "storing dehydrated food" and you'll find tons of information there.

I finally finished off the storage wall -- it looks much better now! Click the link and check it out!

Jamie in New York asked this question: Can you dehydrate lettuce? If so can you tell me how? Will it rehydrate so you can use it for salad? Click here for the answer!

On a Wing and a Prayer

A few days before this e-zine landed in your inbox, I was stretching my wings and flying from Florida to the East Midlands, in the UK -- home of the beautiful "Peak District", graced by stately homes at Chatsworth to the north, and Burghley to the south. The views are stunning, according to my "Guide to Great Britain".

I will do my best to get great photos of my own so I can share them with you all. Of course, some of our lucky readers already live there but for those of us who live outside the UK, then it surely will be a treat!

Send In Your Recipe Creations!

We welcome your recipe creations -- all we ask is that at least one ingredient in your recipe is from dehydrated food.

You'll be creating your very own page on this site, and be proud to share it with your friends!

Click on this: Share a Favorite Recipe. This takes you to our Easy Recipe Page where you can fill out a simple form to share your creation with us -- please send us pictures too! :-) The recipes with photos will be listed in the main body of the recipe listings page!

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While you're at it, please feel free to click the Google +1 button so your vote can be counted!

Thanks! Help us get the word out about dehydrating food now, at today's prices.

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We really do look forward to hearing from you!

Get your FREE eBook!

If you're a mom or a dad that stays home and would like to supplement your income, then here's a great opportunity to do just that! Visit: this page and click on the book on the right-hand column and download for FREE. Pass it on to your friends too!

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