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Easy Food Dehydrating Depot, Issue #011 - Merry Christmas!
December 15, 2011

Here are the latest and greatest happenings at our site, brought to you in this Monthly Newsletter -- Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

We email this to you monthly, so you don't get bogged down with too many emails in your in-box! However, please let us know if you'd love to see this on a more frequent basis, we'd be happy to oblige!

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We hope you'll enjoy our Timely Tips!

Merry Christmas!

Welcome - to issue 11 of
Easy Food Dehydrating Depot!

Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat ... yes, it's that time of year where we pile on the pounds, then make the new year's resolution to lose the weight! But hey, what if we started making changes to our eating habits NOW so we don't gain that extra weight, because, let's face it, most of us do not lose that extra weight completely, and it adds up year after year and we wake up one day, wondering where on earth those extra 30 pounds came from?!

How about incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Yes, you've heard that before, I'm sure, but it really does make a difference and your body will thank you for it. Vegetables make great soups, and there's quite a few recipes on the site. Fruits make great smoothies too and yesterday we had this: one banana, one apple, cup of red grapes, cup of Very Vanilla Soy Milk, and one scoop of vanilla protein powder ... blend it well and share with your loved ones!

Give yourself and your better half the Gift Of Health!

We sincerely wish you all "Happy Holidays" from Easy Food Dehydrating.

Florida Gardening ... continued

Any size garden is a start -- and I say that with tongue in cheek. My original intent was to have a 20 foot by 50 garden (wow!) ... and so far I've got a fantastic 1 foot by 6 foot garden! Yes, you read that right. Again, you have to start somewhere ... so check out the Garden and Compost Bin page to see how my sweet potatoes and regular white potatoes are doing - along with a pineapple!

We'll send out via RSS all the gardening updates. Please feel free to send in your comments to help me 'do it right'!

Steve wants to know why his peas are still hard after re-hydrating...

Go to FAQ, page 2 to find out Steve's solution!

Melanie asks: If I store the dehydrated food exactly as you instructed... in plastic bins in my garage... how long will it last?

Go to FAQ, page 3 to read the answer to Melanie's question.

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Thanks! Help us get the word out about dehydrating food now, at today's prices.

Send In Your Recipe Creations!

We welcome your recipe creations -- all we ask is that at least one ingredient in your recipe is from dehydrated food.

You'll be creating your very own page on this site, and be proud to share it with your friends!

Click on this: Share a Favorite Recipe. This takes you to our Easy Recipe Page where you can fill out a simple form to share your creation with us -- please send us pictures too! :-) The recipes with photos will be listed in the main body of the recipe listings page!

Tell Us What You'd Like to See

We'd love to hear from you! Click here and then fill out the Contact-Us form on the page and share your thoughts!

We really do look forward to hearing from you!

Get your FREE eBook!

If you're a mom or a dad that stays home and would like to supplement your income, then here's a great opportunity to do just that! Visit: this page and click on the book on the right-hand column and download for FREE. Pass it on to your friends too!

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